
by Innovative Apps by Naka



This app to derive Devi mana gananam is used by Srividyopasakas. The source for this system is found in the Nithyanika Shaktiyamala Paramananda Tantra Kaulikarnava Tantraraja Srigarbha Kularnava Nathakrama patala of Badabanala Tripurasundari Tantra and works such as Saubhaya Tantra Saubhagya Chintamani Dattareya Samhita Saubhagyodaya Nitya Kalpa Nathodaya Kala Nitya Nirnaya Durvasa Kalpa etc. The knowledge of Ashtanga is considered very auspicious and important for all Srividya Upasaka as it has various applications.